Day 11 in the Big Sister House

Mia has completed 3 of 17 GDPR related online training courses assigned to her over this period. She now knows more about the differences between SAR and FoI than she ever thought she would. Taking her lead from the research of prominent behaviourists Skinner and Pavlov she carefully constructed a reward based system involving cigarettes and blackcurrant squash to maintain motivation. This period of time feels like a laboratory experiment in many ways.

The afternoon provided a different form of diversion, not necessarily more scintillating (because what is more sexy than data protection?) Naomi led a session in erotic photography, meeting a glaring gap in the market (having a reason to shower in the absence of meeting people outside of the house). Mia threw herself into this with a level of enthusiasm unprecedented - including moisturising for the first time ever. Jodie brought an unexpected clarity of vision to the proceedings; her direction really taking things to a level some would term professional. Naomi, amongst many other things, managed to resemble a female Austin Powers, at times slipping into Tom Joneseque shouts of encouragement. What’s new pussycat indeed. Oh so many things.

Buddleia realised a hitherto unexplored skill in critiquing the literary outputs of 10 year olds (while aiding Mia with marking), bringing to the table a ruthless precision that Meryl Streep could only dream of. The devil doesn’t wear Prada, she wears gardening overalls.


Quarantine Collage


Closing the Parks