Closing the Parks

We’re going to pick the Irises

maybe for the last time

You said this with a laugh

The orange tree needed pruning

and the grass had grown too long

Walking on through the plots

I gassed about how much we’d lose

All of the things wasted

gone from under your nose

Blackbird songs at 8 in the AM

the sun coming up through the fountain

The playing field wide open

like a question mark

Not forever

(You said this with a smirk)

And we went on picking Irises

We cut the grass down

Carried on feeding the birds

Stopped every now and then

Attempted to exchange words

about what we would do

when it was all over

And we ate up spring

like nobody’s business

And in one hot moment

The garden was silent

The world too


by Laura Sutcliffe

Ned Prevezer

Ned is a writer and musician studying literature at UCL.


Day 11 in the Big Sister House


Do not listen to 'Warm Love' on your own