A crossed out calendar

This is Simon’s March 2020 calendar. As you can see, he has crossed out many of his activities since they have been cancelled due to Coronavirus. In a normal month, Simon will write down activities he plans to do, the names of people who will look after him and what he will eat for supper on one particular day. He might write ‘swimming’, ‘Gabriela’ ‘teriyaki chicken’, ‘rice’, ‘soya sauce’. A lot of his schedule revolves around food.

The accuracy of Simon’s calendar is incredibly important to him so he will make changes and amend his day even if there is no room in the allocated box. As he rushes to correct his calendar he whispers ‘don’t cross it out’ to himself. No one really knows where that has come from. Indeed Simon has no problem with writing words on top of other words. You will see that the handwriting becomes incredibly dense. Though it may appear completely illegible to us, he is able to tell us, quite matter-of-factly, exactly what has been planned.

At the moment, Simon is adjusting to his new life spent at home, without formal education or trips to Pret. In his separate daily schedules, he now plans to make smoothies, exercise in the garden and draw a bath at 5.30pm. His evening plans have not changed much. He still makes his passion fruit juice and plays on his iPad after supper.

Simon and Lucy Balazs

Simon is a twenty year old, severely autistic boy, living in West Hampstead. Lucy is his sister.


sun in quarantine

